Where are you located?
I provide therapy virtually to residents anywhere in Arizona. I am wherever you are!
Do I need to download Zoom?
No need, I use a portal that has a built-in virtual meeting platform to protect you.
How long are the sessions?
Sessions last about 55 minutes.
How do I set up an initial appointment?
Is there any paperwork I need to complete?
Yes, there is a consent, privacy acknowledgment, and client history that can be completed using a client portal.
What is your cancellation policy?
I ask for 24-hour notice of a cancellation. Less than that will result in paying the full session price for missed appointments.
Who do you work with?
I work with men and women above the age of 18.
What will we do in the first session?
We will review any questions you may have about the paperwork you completed, then we will talk more in-depth about your concerns. Lastly, we will come up with a plan together.
What happens next?
After our first session, we will lean into your concerns and start to find relief.
What is your professional training and experience?
I have a masters in social work and am a licensed clinical social worker. I have over five years of experience providing therapy, working primarily with individuals with a history of trauma.
What’s the best part of this career?
Getting to witness someone finally breathe deeply after years of holding their breath.
What’s better, cats or dogs?
I would hug an alligator if I thought it wouldn’t bite my arm off…