This page is more about YOU.

610867775First, hold up one hand in the air.

Put a finger down if you often lay awake at night.

Put a finger down if you feel jumpy all the time.

Put a finger down if you feel like you have tried everything you can on your own

Put a finger down if googling “therapists in my area” felt like running a marathon.

Finally, put a finger down if you want a break and a little relief.

You are in the right place if you put at least one finger down for any of those reasons.

Lack of time may keep you from seeking therapy.

On top of the things, memories, and emotions you keep dealing with regularly, you are busy; must work; have demands from school, kids, and partner; and some pets need tending. The list goes on and seems never-ending.

You don’t have time to drive an hour to talk and drive another hour back to where you need to go.

Lack of time might make you wonder, “How do I fit therapy in with all my other responsibilities?”

Thankfully, you have stepped toward therapy in a world of technology, including the virtual therapy I provide. You can log on, save time, and start to get space from the pain.

Hi, I’m Mardee!

Admin 1My focus is providing the therapy YOU need.

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker specializing in trauma recovery, I recognize that sometimes it is easier to shove things down and hope they just go away.

Showing up on this website today tells me that a part of you is ready to spend time on yourself and healing.

All you need to do is call me today, set up our first meeting, create a plan, and start our work together.

My dedication to helping others started early.

My route to being a therapist began at a young age as I recognized firsthand the impact of unresolved trauma and mental health on the next generation.

I wanted to stop the cycle in my life and help you stop the cycle in yours.